Hourvari, festival de musiques ambiantes, rituelles et électroniques affiche

First Edition

30th of September 2023, 1PM to 1AM.


Brötschen des Todes

Psychedelic, percussive and noisy blues with hovering, melancholic atmospheres, tense trances and sometimes wild rides, the duo Brötchen Des Todes superimposes guitar, vocals, percussion, machines, drums, organs and theremin in an electric fusion of Rock Psyché / Noise full of flexibility and tension.


CZLT (Neptunian Maximalism, Sol Kia) builds a soundscape through a particular approach to sitar and voice, closely inspired by religious classical Indian music, traditional Tibetan music and incorporated into Drone Metal. This research is dedicated to the mastery of the sitar and vocal practices as well as its transposition in the Western context of amplified music. Exploring harmonic ranges and giving the sound new power delivered by a wide range of harmonics, from microtone aluminum baritone guitar mixed with the distortion of multiple bass and guitar stacks, create a physical and immersive live experience the way by Sunn O))).


Originally from Nantes, the four musicians of Kontexte mix various influences ranging from Punk to Noise via Synthop or even R&B, merging and exchanging their instruments in an energetic schmilblick.

Enregistrement à venir

Mistress Bomb H

Whether she has been blasting sounds for twenty years in Rennes, whether on stage or with her split with Jessica93, Mistress Bomb H loves downtempo rhythms and electrifies it all with Indus beats and Cthulhuian infra-bass. Through acid and languorous voices, the musician intrigues, captivates and does nothing like the others. A rhythm machine, flashes, an irresistible and bizarre desire to dance, as if we were in an elsewhere, Mistress Bomb H is this anger and these strange and moving structures between sonic impulses and hovering dreams.


Nuèit concocts strange potions for us: disappointed love songs in Occitan, cobbled-together machines holding together by magic, muffled samples recorded in breweries that have long been plagued by rust. This disturbing potion is delivered by a voice as sweet as a promise of a red, sweet apple in the hands of an old woman who has just emerged from the fog. It is an overtone siren song picked up by a broken radio on the evening of a moonless night.

Pays du Mat

Few bands have deserved so much the qualifier of ritualistic music. Pays Du Mat is the crusty and wild musical organ of the citizens of Mat, a country without laws or borders, one foot in Chaos and the other in magic. It seems that following one of their recent demonstrations at La Jambe Crue, the warp not having closed, certain unspeakable creatures would have remained attached to them and would take advantage of the moments of performance to feed on the energies gathered.

Trists Terra

A duo dropping on the shores of electronic music, Tristis Terra is inspired as much by hyperpop as by lax noise. Conductive music of reality, arming itself with atmospheric melodies and moist rhythms: the bells sometimes ring for no reason, too.

Yeun Elez

The Yeun Elez is the entrance to the world of the dead in central Brittany. A cold, isolated, windswept swamp into which black dogs were rushed to keep the worlds of the living and dead separated. Yeun Elez is that and more. Funeral folk ballads, strange nursery rhymes and synths from beyond the grave compose songs with coilesque accents and deceptively innocent tunes.

Curse All Kings

Animist and anarchist annex offering of Rob Fisk from Common Eider, King Eider, Curse All Kings uses rock, stick, earth, woods, viola and voice to create meditations aimed at the negation of life captured by domestication by capital. Wild spirits are summoned, channeled in hopes of reclaiming our dreams, our connection to the earth, and our animal nature. The specter of Halo Manash will be invoked for a spiritual and meditative experience.


Initiatory journey through shamanic rituals, Dorminn uses multiple ancient instruments from all over the world and his looper to weave the links between spirits and reality, cults and traditions around the world. A dark and violent acoustic music, particularly bewitching in which his voice emerges from the darkness and which offers a peril through the world, time, cultures and mysticism in a pure moment of spiritual elevation and magic.


Mazout builds his lives from improvisations and resonances between trumpet, bass and continuum. The whole thing is filtered and mixed in a multitude of cosmic effects passing from spectral atmospheric ranges to other more rhythmic and noisy parts, while keeping an organic and invigorating direction.


Confirmed artist (Astropolis, Spring rec) Namscha leads her ritual dance with an expert hand, a satin glove in a knotted grip. Ancient drums, dissonant voices and ghostly bells respond to the incantatory call of this ambient noise as smoothly conducted as an electrified Sabbath night. Come dance the devil's jig!

Parhelic Shell

Textures. Rhythm. An organicity of the sound envelope. A research work on the synthesis between club music and industrial field recording. This Nantes duo accustomed to stages and festivals will know how to make those who stay take off for a dizzying dive into an astral night with neon and carbon reflections, boosted with heavy bass.

Ruò Tán

Behind a curtain of smoke, in the heart of a vast plain in a distant land, a bell rings in the distance, between throat songs and howling winds. Murmurs rise, the fruit of a collection of choirs ignored by modern times, a gong resounds, symbol of the mystical and the spirit, an engraved stone rolls and the curtain of smoke dissipates in a dark sound chaos. Behind this vortex, Ruò Tán awaits us at the bend, a witch hand stretched out towards what others have banished, the satchel filled with memories, light and darkness, a shamanic figure on the other side of the world.


Frédéric Arbor is the founder of the respected Ambient / Experimental label, Cyclic Law, but he is also the man behind the Dark Ambient Visions project. He also collaborated with Russian outfit Phurpa in 2018. Using a stripped down approach and forging new sonic territory with his album Temples in 2019, he puts more grounded, melody-based compositions back in the spotlight while employing turbulent drone and fuzzy micro-textures and enveloping cottony atmospheres.


From noise oscillators, microswitches, tampered synthesizers and a lot of saturation, Yukiønna shapes a cold Noise bringing together slow beats, strident feedback and dark drones.

Running Order

HoraireMain StageAmbient Stage
13h30Tristis TerraMazout
18hRuò TánParhelic Shell
19h30Mistress Bomb HDorminn
21hBrötschen Des TodesVisions
22h30KontexteCurse All Kings
00hPays du MatYeun Elez


Atelier tape loop

Tape loop design workshop with .EZ. Records, an off-the-radar label of chthonic, aggressive and transversal music... Circuit bending, DIY K7s, homemade synths, gameboys and witchcraft games will be part of the party.

Merch & Labels

In addition to the multiple bands, you'll find merch from labels such as WV Sorcerer, Breathsunboneblood, Cyclic Law, Ez Records...
Prepare for summer with a great selection of blakc shirts. Also available in black.

When one wants to hear the ancient legends of the lands of France, Europe and the world, the storyteller tries to grasp the elementary and divine symbolic powers, emanating from the earth or the sky, from animals or men, sometimes from both at the same time. With a decor of curiosities, symbolism or mysterious esotericism, the candles are blown out one by one to give traditional tales a strong immemorial significance. His favorite themes are regional, bestial, historical or heritage, ancestral or seasonal, fantastic and horrific.


Manger food bike

Numa will be there with vegetarian and vegan meals, snacks and breakfast for sunday morning.


Tarif unique: 15€ pour accès de 13h à 01h, camping compris.

Food and drinks on site.


Site hourvari


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